Inventory & Financials
Click on Inventory & Financials
2. Short & Over
From the pop-out menu, select Short & Over
3. Change Selected Stores
If you have multiple stores connected to your Petro Outlet system, you have the option to view a combined list of the Shifts or individually by store.
Multi-Store Report
Single-Store Report
4. Shift List
The following information will populate:
Time Out
End Time
Over & Shortage
5. Reconcile
Here you can confirm all accounts are consistent and complete.
This information is based on your search criteria ( Store(s) & Reporting Period)
Received Income - Amount the system shows was received for the period
Remitted - Amount remitted by Cashier at close of shift
Overage - Amount reconciliation shows is Over (Or Short)
+Misc Income
Manually enter additional charge/expense