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Mahdi Hussein avatar
Written by Mahdi Hussein
Updated over 3 years ago

The Z-Report can be use to view a comprehensive all-in-one paper-like report on the Z-Tape report similar to the tape that comes out of the register.

Note: This feature is originally intended for C-stores and not Gas Stations. Gas Stations are able to view the Z-Report, although the unintended effect of the gas sales will also be added onto the Inside Sales. To view the correct Inside Sales, view the amount on the dashboard for the selected shift.

To view the Z-Report for your store, first go to the Reports tab on the left-hand side of your Petro Outlet Back Office.

The default view for the Reports tab will be the Z-Report

The Z-Report will be separated by:

Sales Data:

Total Sales - The entire Includes Sales Tax

Department Total + Cashback Fee + Tax Collected

Where Department Total (can be found at bottom of Sales by Department & verified by adding all “Amount”s from the Department Column, MUST subtract the negative ones!)

NOTE: Refunds are Negative Quantities & Negative Amounts and automatically reduce this number

Inside Sales - Does Not Include Sales Tax

Total Sales - Tax Collected - DP - NISD

Where NISD = Not Inside Sales Department Totals

Where DP = Cash Card Price Difference

Tax Collected = Sales Tax Collected for this shift

Sales by Payment:

Amount = The amount of MoP collected (Includes Cashback, Tips, etc - this is not sales, but the sum of tenders - including negative tenders like refunds, i.e. Cash Collected)

Quantity = Number of tenders (Not Transactions! Number of times “Cash” was pressed)

Cash = Cash. Cards = Sum of Credit + Debit + EBT


Void Sales = “Void Ticket” Count

Void Lines = “Void Line” Count

No Sales = “No Sale” Count

Safe Drop Count = “Safe Drop” Count

Sales Count = Transaction Count

Total Refund Amount = Dollars Refunded (reduces Total Sales!)

Refund Count = Count of Refund Transactions

Average Basket Size = Average line items per transaction

Total Safe Drops = Dollars “Safe Dropped”

Average Ticket = Average Transaction Total amount (Avg purchase)

Sales By Department:

● Depending on the header - Qty can say “Qty” or “Line Items” - Qty refers to the sum of items sold, Line Items is the lines count - this is useful for Variable weight markets (i.e. Produce Stands, Meat Markets) where pre-packaged items are the majority and throw off the Qty field w/ weight. Which is printed is configured in the Register Configuration - Default is Qty

● The amount is Dollars Sold

● Code is the internal POS code for the department

● The Department name may be truncated indicated by the …

● The sum of the amounts is located at the bottom of the report

NOTE: Negative departments are subtracted from the report and reduce sales! (This is because, 1 + -1 = 0, is the same as saying 1 - 1 = 0)

NOTE: Dual Pricing at its core works by doing a proper reprice strategy w/ proration / etc. - If Dual Pricing is enabled, department & item amounts are increased to display the total with card fees, Cash Card difference can only be found at this time by analyzing the difference between Inside Sales & Total Sales

Selected Product Report:

This is a list of items (sorted by name) that have been whitelisted to print their full product details (i.e. a Product Report) for the convenience of the owner instead of having to visit the back-office. The selected product report prints a product report for the shift for any item in a department that is flagged as “Print Prods on Paper” in the Back Office.


● Total Cashback = Cashback excludes cashback fee - excluded from Total Sales

● Cashback Fee = Cashback fee collected from customers, included in total sales


● Total Tips in $’s for the current shift, not included in the total sales

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