Store Management
Click on Store Management
Then click on Products to bring up the products of your store.
Next press the Bulk Edit Pricebook button.
This will open the Bulk Product Editor.
Under "Select all products where..." you select the + Condition button to create the condition to apply onto the products.
Under Field to Compare, you can set it to Name, Department, Retail, Tag.
Name - Every product that contains the selected name will be affected by the change.
Department - Every product within the selected department will be affected by the change.
Retail Price - Every product with the EXACT retail price will be affected by the change.
Tag- Every product with the selected tag will be affected by the change.
Under Comparator Options, you can set it to "contain" or "doesn't contain."
The third box is where you will type or select the name, department, retail, or tag.
Under Action Type, you can select Set the Price, Increase the Price, Decrease the Price, Set the Department, or Delete.
Set the Price - will change all current prices to the new set amount.
Increase the Price - will raise the price.
Lower the Price - will lower the price.
Set the Department - will change the current department of the products to the new set Department.
Delete - will delete all found products.
Be sure to set the correct price change as this will affect all found products.
Selecting Dry Run/Preview will show all products where the change will be affected.
Selecting Execute will cause the editor to make the desired changes.